That's probably the ONLY approach that is likely to be successful with my DD. We're an entire family of people who look at post-modernist thinking and go... "HUH?? What a load... of...delusional... crapola." Mostly internally, of course. Well, DD and I do it internally; DH not always so much. :snicker: {No offense to any post-modernists intended-- it's just not a worldview that makes any sense whatsoever to us}

So anything play-based or 'touchy-feely' is likely to be an abject failure because it won't feel "real" to my DD, and she'll reject it as fantasy-based groping-around-in-the-dark nonsense.

We've been examining our options re: counselors/therapists quite carefully. Most of those that we're adding to our short-list are mindful-CBT or CBT specialists who work a lot with PTSD and trauma.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.