Hi aquinas,
I learned my lesson and finally did take notes on my third kid's development. This is from 14 and 15 months. It does not correlate directly with yours - I didn't put much down about counting.
Is your son saying many words?
She had pretty advance early literacy like my other kids and knew her alphabet before two and was reading some words at two. She was recently tested at 99.9th centile (145) and is early entering into school in 2013 at 4y 8,m, she can read pretty well already.

14 months
walking really well
steps down steps holding one hand
really interested in letters,
always names b, o, n
sometimes knows s, d, m, a,
obsessed by balls
"big ball"
learning colours
great understanding eg "Go and hold Brian's hand"
really getting good at repeating words, today for example about 5 new words though I can't remember what they were!
can point to objects in turn while I count
likes scribbling
can shout out letters as we drive in the car

15 months

kicks ball forward
spins on the spot
walks backwards
"me mi" (give me the milk)
went to one sleep months ago
about 30 words?
paints, scribbles (on wall!)
says "wee" but no luck in potty yet.
danced months ago
loves climbing
has been 'reading" books and turning pages since before 12 months
First three words together today, bubble da ba(th) which meant, I want to have bubbles in the bath.
Several two word combinations

words - mummy daddy nana, sisters name, brothers name, manma (grandma) mampa ( grandpa) own name
dory (story), book ,me, mi (milk, water, drink), nana (food, banana ), juice, eye, nose, mou (mouth), no, yes, ear, up, shoe, bubble,
ba (bath) ball star car bus day (train) bee, ba (sheep), moo (cow).
door, bum, bye bye, ta,
duck, now (cat, ie meow), mats (mouse, Max), da (the)
letters - sometimes - N M D A R T S E B
some recognising of colours but not 100% (yellow, blue, purple, red)
another three worder, "me ba(th) Nana" (I am in the bath with sister)

Hope that's interesting! Let me know what you think....
