I couldn't remember much about DS's early milestones, so I searched some of my early posts and found this interesting thread: Developmental milestones

I think a lot of the items on your list are fairly normal for the population on this forum. I'd say gifted, yes, but what flavor no one can tell yet. For DS8, I would say yes to your numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9. He's still not so great with right and left!

As for fussiness, he would not nap and he was fussy if you weren't constantly entertaining him or dancing around with him in a Baby Bjorn. He slept well at night, though, so we were lucky. And he was happily entertained pretty much since birth by us reading to him. He would happily pay attention to picture books very early on.

DS8 reads at a high school level now, and he has always been highly verbal and an early reader. When he started kindergarten, he hadn't really taken off in math yet, but then he started to really progress quickly so he completed the 2nd grade curriculum at the end of kindy. Math is still not his strongest subject, but he's still near the top of his 4th grade class for HG kids (5th grade base level instruction on up).

I do remember some specifics from when he was 18 months old, since we went on a trip. His grandma gave him this Leapfrog Count and Learn Math Desk, and he recognized his numbers 1 to 20 shortly after getting that. Also, he could read the Exit signs and loved all the road construction because of all the signs.

Sounds like you have a lovely DS. Have fun with him!