I am pretty sure a child like yours will NOT have an average IQ. Those milestones are extremely advanced and it takes a differently wired brain to be able to accomplish that at such a young age. (Someone correct me if I am wrong)
To what level, I am not sure. Hard to tell at this age. But I am sure that throughout the years you will continue to be blown away by him.

We just had DS5 tested and he tested PG. Did I know? Honestly, yes. But I was in complete denial. It was very obvious to everyone around us that DS was very, very different.

There are lots of other aspects to the whole milestone issue too though. Drive and motivation to learn. From what I was told the first born is usually the driven one. Therefore it seems much more obvious that they are gifted. But high IQ is more than just academic milestones. Some might have early milestones but still not be gifted, but "just" bright.

You will start noticing later that thought process of your child, the depth of thoughts, abstract thinking etc. also plays a huge part. It sure is a ride, this whole "gifted child road". And you might want to prepare yourself for it....;-)

Last edited by 1111; 01/02/13 11:41 AM.