thank you so much for addressing each topic like that. I really appreciate it. That very thing (running out of his favorite food) always seems like the end of the world. Every single night its a fight at dinner. I think you make a good point that it should happen more often so he learns to cope.

What made me worried about his social development was that he would always quit playing with other kids if he didn't get his way and cry. And he does try to manipulate people and his surroundings...the worst part is its not always overt so it can be hard to control.

You are right about it being a big change for him which is another reason I was angry he didn't get more time. He is smart enough to know "I don't HAVE to participate" so he got exactly what he wanted out of school. He dislikes anything that resembles work so he was rewarded by the school by being relieved of it.