Originally Posted by ljoy
-It looks like you feel that the school/principal/teacher did not give your son a fair trial in K because they are offended at early entry and high test scores.

This is just a total guess on my part, but I'm thinking it's just as likely that the brick wall you've hit are school district rules. Our school district is really adamant and really strict about early entry - they set a timeframe of two weeks past the birthdate deadline for late birthdate kids and early entry. The child has to undergo psych testing (which it sounds like your ds did too), and then they are technically on probation for a certain number of weeks while attending K to determine if they are mature enough to continue with K. My guess is that your ds didn't meet the in-school requirements and the school staff is simply operating based on the guidelines *they* have to follow combined with their experience as early-childhood educators.

I could be entirely wrong of course! But that's just my take on it, fwiw.
