This is why I suggested she might be over-scheduled, because if she has a lot of control over her own activities, then she gets to do an activity until she's ready to move on to something else.

This conversation did remind me of one of DD's notorious habits when she was 3-5, though. We'd take her to the park, the bounce house, etc., and she'd have a blast, but there'd be that one issue where a kid cut in line, or she got bumped, or whatever. Then someone would ask her if she'd have fun, she'd say no, and tell about that one bad incident. All the fun stuff around it was immediately forgotten.

So, whenever your DD is talking about how time goes too fast, maybe she's just obsessing about that one incident in the day where she got interrupted from doing what she wanted. In this case, what worked for us is to keep reminding her about all the positives.

Last edited by Dude; 09/18/12 01:19 PM.