Thank you for sharing your stories.

Re: Boring/Short thing-- The way she explains it is that some things are boring because they happen too quick. For example, school is boring because they do not let her stay at the stations as long as she would like. The books are not long enough. Recess is not long enough. She describes school as being constantly shuttled around. She is slow to warm, so maybe that has something to do with it. It takes her a very long time to make connections with peers, and I don't think she has been able to make any yet. She also has an immeasurable attention span. She would sit at a table and decorate a craft for an hour or listen to a few chapters of a novel. She does love school. She always wants to go, but every afternoon she inevitably comes out a little frustrated about life.

When she describes our day, she complains that we never stay anywhere long enough. Our visits are always "too short" and therefore our days are "boring." It does not make sense, but that is what she says every single day. Every single night she complains how short and boring her days are. I will remind her of all the fun things we did, and she will argue that they happened too quick and she wasn't given enough time. We have had some busy days, and it is never enough.

She has a great life. She plays all day. She hardly ever cries. She looks very happy. I will try to work on giving her more time and more control, but I have this feeling like no amount of time would satisfy her. She just wants to complain. She reminds me of a moody tween or something. It might be that she is upset because she feels like she can't trust me. Maybe, she is trying to manipulate me. I am just going to keep letting her open up to me and listen.

HowlerKarma-- She has always been attracted to adult topics. She has seemed to have a very global understanding of things before we realize she is ready to talk about them. Since birth she has been the observer, the quiet one, the listener of adult conversations. We are constantly surprised by how much she figures out about the world by just observation and eavesdropping.

But, yes, she is most interested in the more mature topics-- assassinations, war, illness, venomous animals ("A hemotoxin will cause you to bleed out of your eyes.") We have been navigating this kind of stuff for more than a year. She loves reading about history. She has figured out that there is something we have been not telling her regarding Adolf Hitler and has begged to know what he has done. So, yes, we are shielding her from things, and that frustrates her.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but she figures these things out. She has a sixth sense for topics that are inappropriate for her.