I feel for you. We are going through very similar issues here at the moment with DS 4.10 PG. Speaking with the people that did the testing on him, it is a very complicated place to be for these little people. The mental ability being SO far off compared to their emotional development. I have come to realize it is almost like a train wreck between the mind and their emotions. Such big, deep, complicated thoughts, but completely underdeveloped emotional skills to process it.

We get the "I wish I would have never been born", but DS also had one incident where he scratched his face so it left red marks and bit his arm because "I hate myself". Extremely disturbing to say the least and I will bring it up to the doctor when we go in for our appt. in about a month...

He is also in a phase where he is scared of shadows in his room saying "there is an intruder here". We are not talking about monsters, which I guess is a common fear with kids this age. He is afraid of a real person that broke into our home.

He is also scared to fall asleep because he doesn't want to dream. He says he will be "separated from my stuffed dog because the dream takes me to a different place".

Anyway, I really have no solutions for you. Just bringing this up so that you know you are not alone. I try to get him to talk to me about his fears and concerns. For him to open up to me so we can have a discussion about it. I also keep the responses very light and upbeat. Not so that I make him feel what he is experiencing is irrelevant, but just because he is SO serious and I want to lighten it up a bit.

Rough for sure.