Thank you for the responses.

Behaviorally, she is a dream. Her eating and sleeping habits have not changed. Like I said, she has never had a tantrum. She is very compliant--always does what we say. She is also very reasonable. We have just grown accustomed to explaining everything to her until she becomes agreeable. She is a dream in preschool. This is the second year in a row where we are getting comments about cloning her. She has no behavioral problems except for the negativity and pessimism she shares with DH and I in private. She saves it ALL for us.

Throughout the day she is just a happy little girl. It looks like she is having heaps of fun. I have actually gotten comments on how happy she is. It is only sitting in the car or getting ready for bed that she comes out with these dark thoughts. If I ever ask her how her day was it is boring and too short. For the past few months nothing has been fun. Everything has been boring. This is according to her. I feel like I have been trying to convince her to want to live. Whenever I see her do something fun I'm like, "see? Isn't this fun?"

I will ask for her levels to be tested at her four-year-old well checkup. She has been anemic in the past. I will let the doctor know she has been kind of down.

Trust. That is interesting. You may be on to something. She has been having strong feelings about me not being fair.

As far as over scheduling, I have pretty much made it my mission to keep our days under scheduled. She goes to preschool three morning a week and swim lessons on another weekday. That is it. She is given plenty of time for unstructured free play. And, she uses it. She loves playing around the house. She uses the entire house in her imaginary play and has a few very close imaginary friends. She plays like this at least two hours a day, but some days a lot more.

I'd say if anything her beef with me is that she does not have more activities. She has asked to stay at preschool longer and participate in the school's dance program. That is just not going to happen. I do take her to the zoo and museums almost weekly. She loves them, but at the end of the day she rattles off everything she did and it is never enough. Could she just be spoiled?

As far as the God thing. I just asked her before she went to bed if she believed in God. She was adamant that she did not. This actually does not bother me as much as it probably should. I was raised Catholic and feel like it took many many years to come to terms with what I needed to believe. I told her to talk to her teacher at preschool. It is a private christian school. She begged me not to tell anyone about her not believing. I'm just going to let this go for now.

What bothers me most is the talk of death. I wish I had an idea why she would say things like this. She just won't talk to me about this at all.