Originally Posted by Polly
So maybe eye contact is best when he's relaxed and everything around is quiet or dim? A component of anxiety/stress/hyperarousal (from any cause, stress from trouble processing speech is one possible cause), or some sort of distractibility (visual, auditory overload, etc). (I'm just thinking aloud, I have no training whatsoever). I asked about the fried bunny as that's my tactic when DS (or DH) is preoccupied, turns out they are usually listening at some level to me. smile

DS4 has a really bad Sensory processing disorder. He seems to respond the best when he's in another room. I always joke about him needing to be around the corner to actually pay attention to me.

PDD makes sense but I do keep in mind it might be a misdiagnosis. Hopefully the further testing will give us more clear answers.