HowlerKarma - thank you for the info! We've never had to use the epi-pen (thankfully!) but that unfortunately doesn't mean we won't have to in the future. His allergy has been building up over the years rather than disappearing so we have no idea how bad it would be if he digested or got into direct contact with eggs if not closely supervised. Today just before they did the skin test, just a tiny bit of the testing solution from the little skin pricking thingy got on his finger as he kept fighting us and when he touched his forehead with that finger you could see immediately hives popping up. And that was a very VERY watered down egg protein. He wasn't allergic till after he turned one. Then one day he had eggs and his face got all swollen, couldn't see his eyes, spent about an hour throwing up nothing but clear fluid ... it was a mess. We were very lucky that as bad as it got, he did not end up having breathing problems that day but it was very scary even without that. And since then he's been testing more allergic than he did before. So the 504 plan definitely sounds like something we will need! I had no idea allergies could qualify under that!