I am getting all his allergies retested later this week and really hoping the egg allergy is going away but have nothing to support that hope other than in most children it does go away by the time they go to school. But his was getting worse as of last year. The last episode was last fall when he started getting all puffy just from breathing the air in the house on the second floor when on the first floor I made scrambled eggs for my husband! We never had to use the epi-pen but that's probably only because I have been very strict with him have absolutely zero contact with eggs in any shape and form or anyone who had eggs prior to contact. I know the public school is really the only place with procedures in place for allergic reactions but even there the system is so messed up (from what I've read in all the paperwork that we'd have to sign) that who knows how long it would be till someone would actually administer the shot should he have a reaction.

Allergies aside though ... right now he's getting OT and PT at a local therapy place and should be getting a 1hr ST through the school district (if we don't go with the pre-school plan). If he did go to the pre-school, he'd be getting all these services there, which is the only thing I like about it. Going to all these therapies means I have to take my 2-year old with us and keep him occupied the whole time while the 4-year old is getting his therapy. And he's not an easy child to keep entertained. He doesn't like being around other kids so in the waiting room for the most part I have to keep him in the stroller so he wouldn't keep pushing and grabbing everyone else (he's a very sweet kid but can't stand anyone in the radius of about 10 feet ... talk about sensory issues!). So while one kid is getting what he needs (and does he really???) the other kid is suffering through it. So the pre-school at first sounded good to me since it would had been a one-on-one time for me and my younger one while older son would get his needs met.

but the more I think about it, the more I realize that it really is probably a bad idea. I do take both boys to a local Stay2Play cafe / kids gym where they get plenty of socialization with other kids so I don't really need school for that but just can't figure out what's the right answer here. I guess both have it's good and bad but the allergy issues is probably the most determining factor frown