Have you have an IQ test done? I would want the preschool to know that he is gifted otherwise they may attribute some gifted behaviors to other diagnoses. I also would go and observe the preschool before considering letting your kid walk through the door. Ask yourself if this is an atmosphere where your child would thrive. Make sure that you ask how they would work with your kid on the issues that resulted in the placement/referral.

I agree with HK that preschool is a minefield for food-allergic kids. It seemed like every week there was at least one birthday party, one food-based school activity or some other "holiday" party that included food. My DS's preschool worked hard to make it a safe environment but even then, things fell through the cracks. For example, my DS ended up with red, swollen eczema-ridden hands from an egg carton caterpillar project. Obviously, there was some residual protein on the carton and it never occurred to the staff that this could be an issue. Thankfully, it did not trigger anaphylaxis.