oh wow you described Aiden a while back!

Anxiety, a certain amount of depression and helplessness. Added to a dash of perfectionism and intensity.

For any new activity he does, we need to get there early to give him a chance to wind up into it. He loves to see the kids arriving, he loves to chat to the coaches and teachers beforehand, get a feel for the place (and find the loo!! haha)

Then he is fine. If we are late or rushed he is usually quite miserable all the way through. The only exception is his Chess lesson, which I find strange, but I will take it! smile

I have shed many a tear over his behaviour, anger, tantrums etc. And since we have made the changes to 1 - homeschool and 2 - give him more personal respect to allow him to make more of his own choices, he is happier, calmer and we have fewer outbursts and tantrums.

Having said that, I cannot WAIT for them to go away forever and ever!!

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)