Originally Posted by Dude
I don't see this as a gifted thing. In general, kids love being carried. It's like a carnival ride, with a dose of close human contact added in.

I distinctly remember faking to be asleep on the couch at bedtime sometimes when I was little so my father would carry me upstairs. He probably knew I was faking but I rarely if ever had "alone time" with him so I suppose I admit, I manipulated the whole thing, and he indulged.

I was getting more desparate with the dashing toward the street thing with DD (and she was a strong and successful wiggler-awayer) and did the trying-to-scare her with being little and getting squished, and a neighbor with 4 grown girls told me he really disapproved,that every child would learn this when they were ready. Then I felt super guilty like I had now scarred her for life. Be calm and it not might sink in, be too dramatic you scar them or they just get into the drama...I still think that creating situations where they feel freedom but they are secretly safe is a good way to go.