I'd like to refer folks back to the Board Rules. I think that every child is different and every parent is different, so there needs to be a way to talk about what works for individual families in a way that doesn't open the door to judgment and attack of any of us. I've only parented one kid, and I can say that what I wish my parents had done for me sure wasn't what my own kid needed. It took a while to figure that out. I am sure that if I had more than one child, I would need to find different approaches for each of them. I believe that one thing we can offer our kids is to parent them in a way that is respectful of our own individual values. So it's going to look different for different combos of kid+parent. Let's worry less about defending our own viewpoints and more about painting a picture of the range of possibilities, ok?

Every gifted parent I know resonates with so many possible paths, and yet, at times we have to pick one and walk it.

Make sense?

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