Originally Posted by Dbat
Is this the one you're thinking of?

Yep, that was it thanks!

Originally Posted by Dbat
OMG!!! Nik, not sure what your situation is, but maybe this would also be of interest:


HOLY COW!!! This talk raises so many questions…I found myself cursing at him for racing past some of the slides and I WANT the handout he keeps referring to!!!

I found it fascinating to learn that the gifted brain consumes more glucose…maybe this has something to do with why my DD was/is such a sugar fiend? I also find it interesting because just last week we were in the “supplements” section of HEB looking at herbal sleep remedies and we got to talking with the lady there who after listening to my DD describe her issues suggested she might be checked for hypoglycemia…apparently another common issue for the gifted, who knew? I wonder if I call the doc for a hypoglycemia test if this will be the request that puts me on the MBPS list?

Originally Posted by Dbat
I now have even more serious doubts about these diagnoses and am even more seriously planning to take DD to an expert to be evaluated so we can know for sure. …I would love to know for sure from an expert whether she actually has any of these things, so in the future I might be able to have confidence in how I advocate for her.

Good luck to you!

Definitely, go to an expert if you can! In a way I am kind of glad I didn’t have a diagnosis until my DD was 17, since I didn’t have to make the tough choices about medications etc. (My DDs teachers didn’t dislike her, they either just used her to run their errands or they were largely unaware of her until about 10th grade). But I wonder how much misery she might have been spared if we had only known. Good luck to you too!

Originally Posted by barbarajean
I'm not sure if you already have this link or not, but the SENG media library not only has the James Webb presentation, but also a few more video and audio recordings of interesting topics.


http://www.sengifted.org/ main page
Originally Posted by barbarajean
Have you seen the PBS documentary, "ADD & Loving It?!"

Not yet, but I’m adding them to my “to view” list, thanks!

Originally Posted by g2mom
… We were so afraid of meds from horror stories we didnt medicate for several years after the first diagnosis. once we did it made a huge difference. we keep the dosage to the lowest effective dose and also did all the social, emotional, and behavioral work too. this became much more effective when on the meds. she could control her impulses enough to work on social skills and other things. before the meds she was just oblivious to all the social things going on around her and couldnt fit in or follow a conversation. she had no friends and was a target of bullying from both teachers and kids. girls can be really mean.
When i saw how the meds worked to help her control how she managed her attention and allowed her focus on what she wanted to, i wished i hadnt been so afraid of the meds before.

I have heard more positive stories like this about ADD meds than negative ones. I noticed a significant improvement in my DD and her motivation to try to work on her issues (or do anything for that matter) with the meds and I was disappointed to learn that they stopped working after only 3 months. I have been trying to find a specialist to help get her on the right ADD meds so she could have that going for her in conjunction with the CBT, but then I saw that video and it upset me since I knew most of those names were highly respected professionals in the field. After watching it again, I see it’s a woman I had not heard of making the statement so.. grain of salt I guess?

I do plan to pursue finding the right ADD meds for her once her “anxiety guinea-pig study” is finished.

Thanks for the links!