OMG!!! Nik, not sure what your situation is, but maybe this would also be of interest:'s a lecture by James Webb, who wrote the "Misdiagnosis..." book, about how gifted kids are often misdiagnosed with a variety of 'disorders,' and even though I have read the book I was surprised to see in the lecture that he listed as common misdiagnoses of gifted kids the things our DD8 was 'diagnosed' with this year (ODD, ADHD, and Aspergers). I now have even more serious doubts about these diagnoses and am even more seriously planning to take DD to an expert to be evaluated so we can know for sure. Definitely DD needs a lot of improvement on her social skills, which we continue to work on, but in our experience it has usually been teachers who don't like her who have wanted us to have her evaluated, and this year we made the tremendous mistake of going along with having the school-affiliated psychologist do the evaluation. We thought cooperating would be helpful for DD's chances of returning next year, but in hindsight think that the reason was so the teachers could label her based on the evaluation and then exclude her next year (which really all they had to do, since it was a private school, was say 'it's not a good fit').
I would love to know for sure from an expert whether she
actually has any of these things, so in the future I might
be able to have confidence in how I advocate for her.
Good luck to you!