I thought the utube video was a bit melodramatic. that scene where they keep adding a pill bottle to the medicine cabinent was very manipulative imagery.
also the Doctor was talking about a patient in general terms and didnt say it was ADHD they were treating. but the kid was on multiple meds without specific treatment goals.
polypharmacy is dangerous in any disease or situation without a clear plan and specific reason for each med. and ideally goals to reduce the meds as those gols are met.

but really we had the opposite problem. We were so afraid of meds from horror stories we didnt medicate for several years after the first diagnosis. once we did it made a huge difference. we keep the dosage to the lowest effective dose and also did all the social, emotional, and behavioral work too. this became much more effective when on the meds. she could control her impulses enough to work on social skills and other things. before the meds she was just oblivious to all the social things going on around her and couldnt fit in or follow a conversation. she had no friends and was a target of bullying from both teachers and kids. girls can be really mean.
When i saw how the meds worked to help her control how she managed her attention and allowed her focus on what she wanted to, i wished i hadnt been so afraid of the meds before.