Have you seen the PBS documentary, "ADD & Loving It?!"

I searched for it on-line but I (currently) could not find it for free. However, it usually comes on the PBS stations during their fund drives. One of the comments says for adults but it adresses ADD in Children also. It really addresses the issues of medication and how helpful the medication can be. It also adresses the issue that medication can be used for just a few years while the person learns coping skills for their ADD challenges. This documentary is not only informative, but also really funning.

ADD & Loving It?! Documentary - DVD

ADD & Loving It?! is a ground-breaking blend of humour, hope, and science that dispels the myths about a controversial disorder – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Comedian Patrick McKenna seeks a diagnosis for Adult ADHD and learns the facts from an impressive array of experts (some of whom have ADHD themselves!) including medical researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, professors, and award-winning authors. Along the way Patrick reveals how his life as a husband and father are affected by ADD and even shares candid moments as he and his wife Janis work on the steps toward his diagnosis.

Funny, moving, and transformative, this fascinating documentary will hold you spellbound. Yes, even if you have ADHD!