Originally Posted by rachsr
As for the VCI - The psychologist specifically made it a point to showe me why his Verbal score was low. There is a section where the child is supposed to describe a picture in writing and ofcourse as I expected DS choose to write the least amount of words required.There were 3 blank lines for each picture and he hardly filled one line. He does the samething at school.His teacher has to ask him to redo it then he does a good job.

This is interesting to me, because as far as I know, there isn't any subtest in Verbal that requires a pencil. I'm most familiar with the U.S. version of the test. I know that there is some variation between different versions. Can anyone help me out here, without giving away specific test items, of course.

Rachsr - would you be willing to post the subtests that make up the Verbal portion? I've mightly curious what the names of the subsections are, and how much spread there is in there. I'm trying to figure out if your kid is 'nicely gifted' or 'super gifted' - which we call LOG here - level of giftedness. It mostly matters in being impressed at how much of a people please he would have to be to be obedient in school. How hard is he working to deal with faking an interest in academic material well below his 'readiness to learn' level? He sounds like a good natured kid, but I don't ever trust that to last indefinitly. I'm so glad to hear that he is going to a new school next year that has double Math and Lego Robotics!!!!

BTW - it doesn't suprise me at all that he doesn't like Math, as presented in school. My son hated math in 4th grade, and progressed to 'slighly positive' once he hit the middle sschool honors classes + a grade skip. (He's quite unusually high LOG, but your son might be exactly the same, actually) It wasn't until he got to work at his own level and really see Math in it's glory this year in PreCalc that he fell in love. And it's so sweet to watch.


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