Here is the "good" news: I actually called the psych office again and mentioned self-harm threats. Our appointment is next week.

We are really careful about nutrition, sleep, exercise, and outdoor wonders what she'd be like if we weren't. She is almost always happy when outside (although her current hobby--fishing--can be hard on a kid...sometimes you don't catch a darn thing...)

*I* feel better about myself since changing our approach--a lot better. So that's actually worth a lot. I wish I'd seen a change in HER, though. Maybe in time? It's a little scary to feel like I just sit there and "let her" act like that, I admit. I do need to positively recognize her more. I try.

School is over in three weeks, so it's just done for now. I think next year may be better. This year was almost like K in a way, since it was the first year at the magnet for all and they were all coming from different schools with different levels of exposure to material. I admit that I have learned helplessness about all this. At her previous school, all my efforts to get harder material were stonewalled. I just gave up after a while. I figured if they wouldn't differentiate for a kid as noisy and obvious as DD, they just wouldn't, period.