Originally Posted by bzylzy
The self-regulation skill is very powerful and it's a great life-long skill to have. Even some of my family members who have not been particularlly supportive have noticed how my DD has gotten very good at self-regulation. She's actually better now in some ways than many "typical" children her age, because she has to work so much harder at it.

I had meant to ask more about this... DS and I do talk a lot about feelings and we have "what would have been a better response?" or "what should you do when you feel ____" type conversations. What strategies/dialogues did you use with your daughter?

Originally Posted by DeeDee
Is there no other practitioner in the area you could call? I'd get on the cancellation lists for every suitable neuropsych in the area, and hope for a cancellation in the right window of time.

"suitable" - that's what I'm worried about. Most of the ones I've been able to find seem to specialize in adolescents or the elderly. And I'm not sure I can pull together the necessary information/records to take with me in time. I should have started sooner, but it's an unexpected trip due to a death in the family so testing wasn't even on my radar yet.

You don't think DS is too young for a neuropsych eval? I'm all for it but am afraid he won't sit still for any of it, will scream his head off and insist we leave if he thinks the psych is a "scary man" (or woman), or will just be completely non-cooperative/silent. What does a neuropscyh eval involve for a 2 yr old?

We'll be in Maine, I'm searching in the regional section to see if I find any recommendations...