Another "agree" button from me.

The first time I received the suggestion that I should take DD in for an eval was when she was 3, but pediatrician said she was much, much too young. She was so bright and therefore "quirky". But when "quirky" gets in the way it needs to be investigated.

I am biased but I think 2Es truely get the worst of all worlds - they often are shut out of gifted programs because of something about them (behavior, etc.) and the typical public-school pull-out is more for the 1E gifted. 2Es don't necessarily qualify for support for their other needs because in many cases they need to be failing their grades to do that, and because so many 2Es have such high IQs they do compensate.

Even if they are seen or written off as quirky because they are gifted, when they are with a group of 1E kids they seem very different, and everyone can see it, especially the kids. The hardest part, I think, for their self-esteems is how hardly anybody understands them.

so that's my soapbox speech for today...early evals with high-repuation folks, if you can swing it.