The psychogist mentioned in her report that he did exhibit notable scatter on the tasks related to the working memory subtests. She said that he tended to miss some items while getting more difficult items correct. As far as the subtests go, I'm not sure what kind of discrepancy qualifies as scatter.

For VCI he had scores of 16, 17, 13

For PRI he had scores of 11, 17, 12

PS: 6, 9

WM: 12, 12

She was going to do the GORT but decided not to in the end. I do know from fluency benchmarks that he is slow but his state test results (taken under normal time constrictions) show that he is well above average in reading.

He did make a comment to the psych (when they had to use a large room with a window rather than the usual small room that they used without a window) that "we should go back to our normal room because I notice things, much more than other people, so much that its a problem sometimes". So he is pretty aware of his attention difficulties and can identify an environment that would cause him trouble.