Looks 2e to me - I'm on my phone at the moment which means I'm typing challenged but fwiw here are a few thoughts - from the parent of two 2e kids:

1) it's important to understand what's driving the dip in processing speed - it could be a number of things, fine motor challenge, visual challenge etc and you need that info to develop a good and appropriate rt of accommodations. Extended time is a bit of a throw-it-at-every problem and hope it works accommodation.

2) does he complain at all about handwriting or does his handwriting appear either sloppy or slow? Have you tried letting him do his assignments via keyboarding? Have his teachers tried giving him the option of oral answers on timed tests and does that improve his scores?

3) Did the school offer any kind of SLP or OT screening?

4) most of us 2e parents eventually have private eval'd because the info given by the school is not as detailed as it could be and leaves us with unanswered questions. Private neuropsychs will also usually add additional testing to determine the cause of discrepancies like you're seeing.

Gotta run - hope that makes sense!
