Thank you for replying. smile

I was not given his GAI score but I figured it out using the link you guys posted.

His GAI is 130 and 98%

with a confidence level of 124-134 at 90% and 123-134 at 95%. I clearly have no clue what a confidence level is so my wording might seem weird to you. haha. I just copied all the way across the chart.

His subtest scores were:
Similarities: 16
Vocabulary: 17
Comprehension: 13
Block design: 11
Picture concepts: 17
Matrix reasoning: 12


Unfortunately our school doesn't have GT services. frown

Polarbear to answer a few questions: I'm not certain what is driving the dip in processing speed really. He doesn't seem to have fine motor skill issues or anything. He IS very analytical so sometimes he takes a long time on tasks like Math when you can look at a problem in different ways. He analyzes it to death to make sure he didn't miss anything. He also gets distracted by considering higher applications of the tasks that he is performing (like the word list). I'll keep thinking about it though and maybe something will jump out at me. He does have a delay at times when I read to him. He will laugh at a funny part after I have gone on to the next part.

He does complain about writing and his writing is sloppy though it has gotten better since his current teacher has been harping on it. He gets frustrated with the computer because it takes a long time for him to find the keys but we are working on teaching him to type now. His teacher DID mention that he was going to do his spelling tests and other similar types of tests orally but then never did. I'll have to ask him about that. It IS in his 504 plan to give assessments orally when appropriate.

The school told me that he didn't seem to have any issues to them that warranted SLP or OT screening. I did request that the SLP staff evaluate him because I was concerned by the delayed reaction when I read (and the teacher also noticed that at school) but the psychologist felt that he didn't have a processing issue and wouldn't need to be evaluated by SLP.

I think you're right...I need to look for a neuropsych. This Psychologist was an independent evaluator...she isn't a school psych. But I wonder if there is another underlying issue here.