Welcome Sunday! It sounds like you have two very fun girls smile FWIW, my advice is to not overthink or worry about things too early on. Enjoy the time you have with your little ones while they are still so little, and worry about where they'll go to school when they are closer to school age. Little gifted kiddos are *so* much fun to be with, to watch them discover their world, to be a part of their deep questions etc. It's easy to get overwhelmed thinking where on earth are they going to go to school.. and someday that might very well be an issue. But for now, give them lots of time to just be themselves! Giftedness is about much more than just how early a child reads or how quickly they absorb facts - it's also about the depth and creative aspects of their thought process. Some of our kids are never going to "fit" well into any traditional school, and the cool thing about their early years is there are so many options in preschools. Step back from the mindset that you need to feed your child ahead-of-the-curve math or reading, and instead let them do what they want to do with that at home, but at preschool look for a school that let's kids play/create/etc.

It was evident from the time our ds opened his mouth to talk that he was clearly gifted - the kind of gifted that made adults who didn't know him drop their jaws back then. We didn't have the option of accelerating him when he started elementary, and he also was "gifted" with a very late birthday so he just missed the cutoff in the year that really he should have gone to kindergarten gifted or not. I was frustrated with it all at the time, because I just knew he is really really bright and was ready for school - but you know what? I got an extra year at home with him before the world was full of homework and doing things that other people wanted him to do. I get an extra year before he moves on to college (even though he'll be taking college courses before he actually "goes" away to college), and, for him, it was an ok fit socially. I won't say that I wouldn't have jumped at the chance to accelerate him right at the start, just wanted to put out there that sometimes you can't, and it's not always a bad thing, it can work out ok!
