hmm, my earlier reply didn't stick, maybe I hit preview and didn't submit. I will try again. First, thanks for all the comments. I agree that looking for innovative solutions may be the key to the pre-k/k cutoff problem, and that I have some reading to do.

She is transitioning into the next level group (more 3 yr olds) in the day care this week (their initiation but fine by me), and we'll see where that goes in terms of new experiences. It should be fine for her emotionally since she has friends in that room already who were with her before they moved over.

To fill in some other information, she knows her colors, rote counts to 30, counts objects (not sure how high, I haven't quizzed her), recognizes upper case letters, recognizes her name and her sister's name written (both are short), sings too many songs for me to track, memorizes books, knows her full name w/ st address town state (probably should? teach phone number), letter/sound matching, loves doing puzzles (we do this one together frequently, much of this I've read is pre-k/k type stuff. I could just blather on about the stuff she is doing or saying... but you get the idea.

Polarbear, thanks also for your comments to try to keep my mind level, that it will work out if she takes the long track too.