My DS4 will miss the cutoff by 2 months. I got him into a 3's program at 2yr9mo. He did that and then got them to take him early for the 4's program (VPK here in FL). We just applied to Kinder for the fall. The public schools WILL NOT take them early for Kinder. Not that we were planning on sending him public. The 2 private schools we went to did the Kindergarten readiness test for him which he easily passed. We also brought in work that he has done in writing, math etc. By doing all this AND telling them he has already done the 4's program and that it would be crazy to have him do it all over again, they made an exception and agreed to enroll him in Kindergarten early.

Check with your district and find out what the regulations are. If they are flexible try to get him advanced early on so you have a track record of acceleration. Seemed to make a difference for us rather than him never being in a program trying to accelerate straight into Kinder.

Welcome to the journey of raising a gifted child. It truly is an amazing ride!

Last edited by 1111; 01/24/12 12:17 PM.