Hi Sunday
I can't tackle the kinder question yet, because we haven't gotten there, but we frequently ask ourselves "What are we going to do when he gets to kindergarten?"
We just moved our DS (3 years 11 months) to a Montessori preschool, and although it has only been two weeks, it is a definite improvement over his "age-graded preschool." Even though we got him "accelerated" to the four year old room at age 3 1/2, he was still doing "letter of the day" and "how much is 10?" type work. At the Montessori school he's in a classroom with 3-6 year olds, he's able to choose his works and his teachers (in 2 weeks) understand much more about his learning strengths than his previous teachers ever did.
Thinking forward to kindergarten, I don't think DS will be allowed to start as a four year old (he has a late February birthday), but once we have some test scores, I'm going to consider asking for a grade skip (straight to 1st grade) or at the minimum, acceleration for reading and math. We'll see what happens!
Good luck, and welcome!