Last night while finishing the game Deus Ex my son asked me to read to him a book that he talked me into buying--Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul. The only time he asks me to stop reading is when there is a cut scene. I know he is hearing and remembering what I read to him because he often asks me to look up more information on things I just read, especially terms he has not heard before so he can understand them better and he is able to come up with really good analogies that go along with whatever subject we just read about. He is able to summarize and discuss the main points of what we read at dinner when his dad his home much better than I can. He sounds so much smarter than I do when he speaks and has for years because of this ability to take in information from everywhere and then analogize it to help explain the material.
I have noticed that he does well on the fast paced three player online game Triviador so I know he has managed to pick up lots of general knowledge even though he has played video games for years.
One more thing I find interesting about his video game playing is that he found that he was able to pick up accents very quickly from the voice actors and then do impressions. When he discusses or explains things he often throws in quotes done in various accents to match the person who originally said it and it makes him fun even more fun to talk to.