Originally Posted by Bostonian
Laziness and cynicism are parts of the character of many people, including myself, but having read many of your posts, you seem to revel in these traits. Why? Isn't there anything you are interested in and enthusiastic about? It's sad to see a bright, youngish person so jaded.

Within the context of this thread it's more along the lines of "don't do college like I did college". Particularly spending 20 hours a day playing civilization (or whatever I was playing).

I'm not particularly lazy right now. It's kind of hard to practice law full time and be lazy. And I'm not seeing 37 as being youngish. It's more middle-ageish.

College was more me completely withdrawing from life moreso than being lazy. I was really only completely non-functional for about 6 years during college and law school.

So, parents, make sure that your college students are engaged in life, adjusting well to college, and not playing video games 20 hours a day (or sleeping for 36 hours straight)!