It is almost midnight and my son is playing Starcraft 2 on multiplayer. I just finished reading several chapters of Ron Paul's book to him as he played, stopping to look up and read about the 5th amendment from the book The Citizen's Constitution when it was mentioned in Ron Paul's book and then talking about real life examples of eminent domain. He is able to comprehend enough of what I read to him to discuss it and ask really good questions. Sometimes he even comes up with appropriate quotes while discussing what we read like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" which I had heard before but didn't know where it came from so we decided to look it up on Wikipedia. I will read some more to him after I take a break. I think he could probably listen to audio books while he plays games when he goes off to college, but I think he would miss the discussion.

He has been talking about what we read so much that his dad decided to read the book too. Now we can all discuss it.