Sounds a lot like my DS 25 mo. Milestones are very similar. I have not yet decided weather I am pretty sure he is gifted though. DS4 have the signs of being a level 4 according to Ruf's estimates. Just turned 4 and can read any kind of book. Also writing stories now with pretty much perfect sentence structure. Doing 2 nd grade math as well. Knowing about DS4 being gifted I am much more aware of DS25mo and his milestones.

But it is hard with the first child. I had no idea DS4 might be gifted until friends started to point it out to me. Sounds to me you DO have a gifted child. To what level is hard to tell at this age. DS4 wouldn't have been a level 4 at the age of 2, but he is now, for sure.

I guess it could go either way at this point. That is why I am not coming to a conclusion at this point with DS25mo. I am doing the same with him as I did with his brother, as far as experiences and "teaching", just to be fair..:-)

Sensory issues, oh boy do we have them here. Actually DS25 mo has it WAY more than DS4 ever did. This is why I am thinking that I might have another gifted child, along with the ease of learning. BUT, now I hear that there is actually such a thing as "Sensory Processing Disorder" that has nothing to do with giftedness...or is there? I always thought overexcitability and giftedness go hand in hand. Or is it just more common in gifted kids?

Somerdai, what do you know about this? Is the child you might have evaluated gifted?
Sorry SLB for hogging your post...:-)