Originally Posted by Dude
Ugh... yes. To put it mildly, this is a pet peeve of mine. I absolutely detest parents who use their children as a source of personal achievement or validation.

I have a facebook friend who is constantly making posts about how smart his daughter is. I think it's in poor taste. My daughter is also very smart, but I don't post about it. Every once in a while my daughter will say or do something that's actually funny, and might be suggestive of advanced ability at the same time, and I have posted things like that for their comedic value. Meanwhile he's posting about times his daughter used advanced vocabulary just because she used advanced vocabulary. There's no other interesting element to the story. It's just bragging. He's gone so far as to list her advanced capabilities and proclaim her a genius. She may very well be gifted, and he should be proud of her, but ultimately what you do with your knowledge and capabilities is more interesting than the fact that you're advanced.

Sometimes I contemplate pointing out the tackiness of such posts, but he's a grown adult who doesn't need me to point out such things... right?