Thank you lucounu for responding to my post. I'm just trying to make sense of it all, and The RUF Book just added to my confusion. I appreciate the specific test geared towards toddlers.
I'm learning so much from this site that I didn't even know being gifted can be passed down genetically. Although my husband has never been tested I believe now that he is gifted. He frequently says that his brain is moving at 300 mph while his body just sits there and it drives him crazy. He takes a sleeping medication to shut off his brain, and even then wakes up at 3-4am because he starts thinking about work. He owns his own company and works 7 days a week not because he has to, but because he wants to. He thrives on jugglings many things at once, and if he's not he gets restless. We are complete opposites in our wiring as I am very clam, and laid back, and I don't understand how he can't turn off his brain? His daughter is the same way, and complains that she can't sleep at night because she can't shut off her brain either.

His 3 children (my step-children) are very intense and very bright as well academically. I never knew them as children so I can't compare the way they were as toddlers to their 2yr old brother, but I can only imagine they were very similar. I consider myself average and living in a household of intense individuals (including the 2 year old is trying at times. I don't understand their complex brain, their sensitivities, etc the list goes on and on.
I haven't thought about preschool yet because I tried to put him in the gym daycare so I could workout and he cried straight for the whole hour that I took him for 2 months. Every time I picked him up he was wondering around almost hyperventilating. It broke my heart, and every day the front desk said it would get better.. that it would take time. I even went at 8:00am to be the first one there so it was very quiet, and he seemed fine and by 9:00am it was a zoo and I started to see that maybe it wasn't separation anxiety, but the chaos of all the kids, the bright lights, the loud TV blaring in the background was to much for him and after 2 months -5 days a week I trusted my gut and never went back because it never got better. Even the front desk felt bad and a little confused why he never let up?

I have so many questions swirling around in my own brain as a first time mother. I don't need a title for him I just want to understand my son better because after reading other posts it seems as they get older it becomes very intense at times with emotions, academics, almost everything.

The Ruf books was a great resource, and if you have any other resources that can help me understand my son better it would be greatly appreciated.