Based on the original post, it sure looks like giftedness. Some of your boy's milestones are well ahead of my MG daughter's.

But if he is, I'd say it's too early to start worrying too much about it. You're in the calm before the storm, so enjoy this time while it lasts. The time to deal with schools who don't understand him and don't know what to do with him is still some time away.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
There is something about parenting that does bring out the worst in people in terms of it feeling like a competition. I remember it becoming worse, honestly, when dd13 was in elementary school b/c so many other parents were so focused on reading levels and one in particular quizzed my kiddo incessantly about what level she was reading at, 'can you read this to me, my kid is reading at this level,' etc. Now that she's in high school the parental pissing contest seems to have mellowed a bit, thankfully.

Ugh... yes. To put it mildly, this is a pet peeve of mine. I absolutely detest parents who use their children as a source of personal achievement or validation. Children have enough to worry about without carrying the burden of their parents' emotional states. "If I don't get straight A's, Mommy will be sad."

Yes, my daughter's mind appears to work very much like mine, and I'm very happy for her, but the reality is that I only contributed half of her DNA sequence, and she could just as easily have gotten one of my dumb sperm. Plus, everything she accomplishes is driven by her decisions, her interests, and her experiences. All I do is guide, advise, and provide opportunities as best I can.

If you ever find yourself talking to a parent who uses the royal "we" when discussing things their child is doing that don't directly involve them, just excuse yourself from the conversation.