SLB, your son sounds a lot like mine (26 months), which is also why I'm here. I first started looking into giftedness months ago because of his drive for perfection and the related meltdowns. I couldn't believe it was starting so early!

Originally Posted by Cricket2
...I guess that I wasn't paying attention to much other than her serious sensory issues, intensity, and my lack of sleep due to her constant screaming at that age - lol!
As far as feeling like you cannot share his milestones with other parents, do you have anyone with whom you can just share the joy of your child without worrying about it appearing competitive? Grandparents? Childless friends or ones whose kids are much older?

This really resonates with me - sensory issues, intensity and lack of sleep. I'm new here but I already feel comforted that others have gone through this. I like Cricket2's ideas for sharing too. I have an older friend who is childless and it's fun when we get together because she just enjoys my son. Sometimes she asks me, "Is that normal?" And I say, "I don't know." Then she says, "Neither do I," and we laugh about it.

Originally Posted by SLB
I am now starting to understand what sensory and intensity is all about. I didn't even know kids had issues like these, and that these specific issues had a name. It's his intensity, impatience, melt downs over his toys not standing up perfectly, him not being able to finish his breakfast...

I'm also looking into having my son evaluated for Sensory Processing Disorder, because he melts down about many things and getting through the day is tough sometimes.

Hope it helps to know you're not alone.