Originally Posted by DAD22
This is definitely possible. I have two examples in my own home. I'm only gifted in math. While my math scores are 99%+, my verbal scores are only a 90-93%. (Which made me often declare that I was "no good" at writing/reading when I was growing up, so watch out for that.)

WOW! This struck a chord with me. I'm the opposite -- highest scores in verbal, and "only" good scores in math. I absolutely felt (and sometimes still feel) like I was/am no good at math. I continue to be amazed at how much I learn about myself as I'm raising my son.

I've done a fair amount of reading on giftedness recently, as I suspect my son may be gifted. In that reading, I've found several mentions of children being gifted in a given area but being typical in another.

Separately -- I've read Thomas Sowell's book The Einstein Syndrome. It talks about the connections he's found in children of gifted parents who also happen to be late talkers. Stephen Camarata of Vanderbilt Univ has done research in this area as well.

Loving, overly-worried mom to "Size Small" Card, a beautiful little boy who joined us in July 2009.