I know that there are different thought processing modes involved which can play to various strengths and weaknesses, but on this subject of different levels of giftedness, I wonder how much different levels of interest play into it. After all, isn't it the sharp levels of interest in different kinds of learning that drive gifted learners to their achievements in the first place?

A few years ago I'd have agreed with JonLaw, that there was no artistic ability in me whatsoever. Then came DD, and I'd sit and do different artsy things with her because that was what she was into. And while I wouldn't submit any of it for awards or anything, there were some things I created that made me say, "Huh. I didn't think I had that in me."

Then again, many of the works of art that win awards make me shake my head, which just goes to show how completely disinterested I am in the whole thing.