Thanks everyone -- this is an interesting discussion. I do think (from what I've read) things are changing a bit maybe toward accepting a gift in one area as giftedness. I, too, am talented (some might say gifted) in art and creative things, but not so much in math, etc.

I did mention that DD is 6 -- she's in first grade. They are currently pulling her out of a class with a small group of first graders and assessing her trying to make a recommendation on whether or not they want to test her. They'll give her the WISC-IV (if they decide they think she'll test quite high -- she needs a 140 to get into the program, and that's on everything -- just one will not do the trick). When I ask her about the class she says that they "do puzzles" so I think they are really looking at this part closely. Her reading and writing abilities are more obvious.

Both my hubby and I work for magazines -- he in editorial and me in art -- so she obviously has that tendency as well as that exposure. She's not been exposed to math (except the very basics) but I think she'd like it!

So until we know if we're testing or not I guess I will continue to guess. smile