I think that this is a very interesting question and goes beyond the OP's child to the very heart of how one defines the term "gifted." Gifted is defined in many circles in a much broader means than it was in years past and, within school systems certainly, definitely includes people who have strong abilities in one domain and average abilities in others.

Ultimately, it probably comes down to whether one considers gifted to include people whose composite IQ (FSIQ, GAI, etc.) is not in the gifted range but who have some subtests that are gifted. And then it is further muddied by how high those highs have to be and whether an average overall score with just one high spike is gifted or whether the overall score needs to be above average or whether it needs to be an entire subtest (PRI, say as opposed to just one piece of PRI) that is in the top 2% or so...

I imagine that varying opinions exist even amongst experts.