He wants to make tall buildings and wear a hard hat in case they drop a hammer. (well, he does like climbing on things). He also wants to be a rockstar, but I don't think he knows that's a job. Guess they're not really that out there. So, I'll play along and think of some fun jobs that fits my son's skills.
*he likes chasing & tackling, so he could be a alligator wrestler
*he makes up languages & talks about an imaginary giant, so, maybe a UFO hunter
*he likes beautiful people, nice cars, he has good taste and likes bossing people around, so, maybe a film director
*everyone else guesses football player or politician. I'll love him no matter what.

IMHO I'm googling the point of a good education and a good upbringing and I'm leaning towards believing the point is that it teaches them how to learn things and how to make decisions. I guess I'm front-loAding whatever influence I have and after a while they'll be adults making their own choices. Hopefully after a good education.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar