Just another thought. Being very tall growing up and having very tall kids, I have seen that very big kids often get teased just as much (or little) as very small kids. And being small or large doesn't necessarily have the end-all be-all affect on athletics that is sometimes supposed. I think of utmost importance is how these situations are dealt with when they occur. It's never any fun being different, but yet everyone is in someway. So, IMHO, size should be one of the considerations when considering a skip (and it is in the Iowa Acceleration Scale), but there are a lot of other considerations that size needs to be weighed against.

Does your DH have a past experience that is informing his thoughts about the grade skip? Do you?

At least you have a school that has given you the option of a skip and admits your DS needs something different. Hurrah!

She thought she could, so she did.