Since you do have a meeting set for October 4, and you're eager to keep her on your side, I'd think it would be helpful to wait to see what comes of your conference before going to the administration. Also, do you know that the administration will support your requests? Our administration can be wishy washy and leaves a lot up to individual teachers, so it can be a crapshoot going to them at our school.

I've gotten more response than you from our 1st grade teacher, but no more action than you have - so I'm not convinced that quick responses mean much. Our teacher typically responds to emails about a week after I send them (as did our K teacher last year, who was a fantastic teacher). If you sent your email yesterday, your teacher may need more time to process your email, think about a course of action and get back to you.

I've also let our teacher know I'm happy to talk to the administration if she prefers - phrased in a cooperative manner with her, but nonetheless making the point that I'm serious about our requests (my DS is supposed to be accelerated in math, dependent on schedules, and schedules are not working out, leaving us with the need for creative solutions that have not yet been forthcoming). That might be a tack worth taking if you hear resistance from your teacher at your Oct. 4 meeting.

Whether my strategies so far will work out, I don't know - we're still sitting bored in 1st grade math 5 weeks into school - so take my experience for what it's worth, as someone in a similar situation with no success story to share as of yet.