I require my 6th grade social studies students to carry three items to each class: their school planner, a two-pocket portfolio for their homework and handouts (that I believe is common to our 6th grade team), and a pencil with some kind of eraser.

And then I have pod managers for every small group who can loan and log pencils from the supply closet, or exchange a micropencil (one in danger of going into the pencil sharpener and never coming out) for a full-size one if the micropencil is the only one the student has.

We have only a classroom set of textbooks, so textbooks do not go home. I buy paperback composition books for all my students that stay in the classroom. I rarely ask them to use a sheet of notebook paper, and provide some when I do. I rarely give homework, and I encourage students to submit their homework online if they can. I see that three students have used the online option to report back to me on their interview with a grandparent, but it isn't due until the 29th.

All of this is because I have my own executive function issues. I am trying to limit the amount of loose paper floating around my room.