Interesting bmwoodson, I had never heard of polyphasic sleeping or image-streaming.

After googling image-streaming, I seriously doubt that is something my DD would do. I couldn't get her to try the brain exercises that are supposed to improve her short term memory which is problematic for her, so I don't see her doing that kind of work to improve her IQ which is already high enough to cause her problems and alienate her from most of her peers.

Her sleep habits could be described as involuntarily poly-phasic, I see NASA commissioned some studies on polyphasic sleeping, I wonder if they found similar side effects?

I do think all of the symptoms are related to her giftedness somehow, but I don't want to go to even one "professional" that might miss-diagnose her as nuts, her self esteem is fragile enough right now.

Ametrine: I fear hypnosis, probably because I don't really understand it, but the thoughts of allowing someone to "mess with your head" terrifies me. I would be open to hearing more about it though.