Yes, she has a formal dx of ADD and PDD-NOS and situational depression stemming from the lack of earlier diagnosis. She has had sleep issues for as long as I remember (never slept much as a baby or toddler), but the sleep issues became very problematic as a teen. Now with ADD meds and melatonin, she is trying to take control of her sleep schedule.

I don't know know if it's purely existential or practical, I think it's both but leaning more towards practical or at least, it's the practical part that's upsetting her. She has told me that she can read and take math tests in her dreams and when she wakes up she can remember and check her answers and they all make sense. She said the clock trick doesn't work since she has a very poor sense of time to begin with and even when she knows she is awake, she loses time (we are pretty certain she has been having psychic seizures, she described being able to recognize if she is tuning out and pause her movie or game when they start to come on so she wont miss too much, but her sense of how long they last is fuzzy).

Maybe the "brains in trays" was a matrix reference? Maybe something in the matrix helped her describe part of what she was feeling, I don't know. She hasn't watched it recently as far as I know and she said this problem has been going on as long as she can remember.

She doesn't want to go to a psych, I think partly due to anxiety and partly fear of being told she's nuts or something.